Fixed price project

 • Creating a specification and turning an idea into an elaborate project

 • We turn your ideas into a workable concept and plan based

on which a product or solution is tailored

• Project planning, development of functional specification

• Design and architecture • Production of wireframe templates and construction

• Testing and implementation of the final solution

Dedicated team

•  One team, one project, one client

• Based on your needs 

we create a team of experts just for you

• It doesn’t matter if you are starting a startup,

doing a product for the market,

or implementing your own project and want to expand your team

Basic Workflow

Basic project definition

Strategy and business model
Scope, goal, objectives
Critical factors for success
Structure of the project

  • Strategy

    Our team works closely with you to achieve clear and defined strategy and business requirements.

  • Critical factors for success

    All critical factors are identified. In close cooperation with stake holder, mitigation strategy is defined.

  • Structure of the project

    General approach is analyzed together with project structure. Resources, quality, metrics and milestones are identified and project timeline

Technical aspects

Technical  specification

  • Prerequsites

    Our team defines all the prerequisites for projects start and obtain stakeholder’s verification

  • Technical specification

    We define how are we going to achieve goals and objectives. Approach is defined along with technology stack. Methodology. Controls metrics and resources are disussed and prepared for the next stage.

  • Methodology

    General approach for methodology, internal controls, metrics and resources are discussed, harmonized and prepared for the next stage.

Development plan

Resources and competencies
Estimated Time line
Deliverables and Quality

  • Resources and competencies

    Stakeholders and dedicated team define necessary resources and competencies based on the scope of the project, defined quality and timeline / milestones. All definitions are subject of  verification from stakeholder’s side.

  • Esimated Time line

    Milestones and timeline is roughly structured. Potential CR’s and strategy regarding change management is negotiated and clearly defined.

  • Deliverables and Quality

    General approach for quality and metrics is defined, and corresponding acceptance criteria for deliverables are stated by stakeholders.

Minimum viable Concept

Minimum Viable team

  • Minimum viable Team

    In case that tis phase is needed, Minimum Viable concept is produced, or minimum viable product is made. Stakeholder defines minimum resources, budget, team and deliverables, for delivering viable concept,. Upon verification by stakeholder, project is continued.

  • Minimum viable concept

     In this phase, project is verified by defining needed viable output (e.g.output VMP vs VMA etc), and is verified additionally by launching digital products with the minimum required capital and time resources to achieve goals and proof-of-concept.

  • Data from initial results

    Data from initial results is analysed.  Stakeholder decide following steps in project using the data from initial launch and defining metrics for deliverables, and minimum viable parameters or SLC

How is the team managed and handled

  • Workflow

    We take special care for workflow that is customized to your needs

  • Metrics

    Delivered work is measured and reported

  • Team Management

    You have flexibility to choose among candidates that best suite you

  • Quality

    Testing of deliverables is constant process and results are reported to you