Here you can find some of the projects, listed below

Project Sartorius

Laboratory for calibration of scales and weights Sartorius Croatia – Libra Elektronik d.o.o. is accredited by the Croatian Accreditation Agency according to the requirements of the standard HRN EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2007 for the  implementation of calibration of scales, weights and pipettes with the accreditation certificate no. 2287.

This project is realised in cooperation with Sartorius Croatia. Scope of the project included all laboratory business processes.

This project is very sensitive. Laboratory processes are ultra highly critical. The client’s core business is to provide measurement services to pharmaceutical companies which use these measurements in drugs production. In this project, Inrebus Team and Sartorius Croatia Libra electronic have implemented many high sensitive advanced mathematical models, calculations and formulas, that are used in this industry and strictly regulated in EU.

Sartorius Croatia, Authorized dealership and service for Sartorius GmbH.

Scope of the project is Laboratory business processes optimization, software support for processes of measurements and reports that are used in industry.

Our project task was to digitalize all processes and activities and produce a final product. FInal result is scalable software solution that is going to be put on the market.

Project Trans Integral

This project covers the logistics business, trucks management and shipment of cargo using ships from China. The business relies on operating team in Zagreb, Croatia and Cities of Rijeka and Ploče, on the Croatian Coast. Project’s goals are defined as support to all business activities: sales, contracts, CRM, Billing, Route optimization, Costs, Profit – Loss:; Management reports on various basis e.g.:  Order, Contract, Partner, Work order, Timeline/Periods, etc.

This software solution is intended to cover all activities and to introduce time and resource optimization. In former times, Client used several different softvare solutions, and was forced to do many job activities manually, especially in the domain of reports, analysis and tracking orders. One of the most important goals of this project was to achieve higher level of productivity of the personell. KPI metrics are set in the beginning. The client wanted to measure the number of completed jobs per person and to estimate quality of the job by introducing metrics. Business needed to expand, but infrastructure could not support it, due to lack of tools, and to many obstacles in everyday activities that last too long. Software solution had to solve all these challenges, and it did.

Client is Logistics Company from Croatia, Trans Integral

Project is introducing ERP in logistics business, optimization of processes and creating sufficient tools and infrastructure needed for business expansion.

Our project task was to digitalize all processes and activities and to consolidate all activities trough one platform. Business activities were distributed among various applications and there was a lot of paper work. The crucial goal was to shorten the time spent working on logistics support and monitoring tasks

Project Croatian Lottery

This project comprise of central web application and mobile application. Scope of the project was sales processes, and basic goal is that these processes must be optimized. Sales personnel are travelling through country and they visit stores, in which they need to update items that are sold in the shops. Application is used to optimize routes, enter the data, sincronysed with central site. Administration is done on central site.

During implementation many workshops are completed. Testing with personnel was done throughout whole period of implementation.

Client is Croatin Lottery

Standard activities of sales personnel need to be optimised with tis application. People, products, locations, central administration, mobile application for update information about product and items on locations, route optimization.

Our task was to design and implement central and mobile solution, and to make evidence questionnaires for update product list on location basis, route planning, route optimization and tracking of activities and work for the personnel